Friday, July 8, 2011

A little painting, a little yaking....

Ah, what could be more perfect....

For the Fourth of July we headed up to the family camp. Probably my most favorite place to be.
My idea of a perfect day is heading up there and spending the day enjoying the pond, and having time to relax which usually means creating.  Typically playing with clay or glazing. This time I packed up some earthenware bisque pieces, underglazes, bead racks, brushes and palettes.  I had them all set up nicely outside on the picnic table, and out of nowhere, came a flash of lightning.  So I moved everything on the porch...

I decided to bring anything but blue glazes, because I love blue so much it seems I've been going heavy in that direction lately.
So I brought only shades of salmon, pink, reds, corals,
lavender, lilac, amethyst, orchid,
bright green, avacado, blue green (ok that's the only blue - sort of), and light green.
After painting for a while, the storm passed over, and the sky cleared up again.
So I decided to take the kayak out for a spin around the pond.
There wasn't a soul out there except birds and some croaking frogs.
I'm always finding interesting plants out there, so I find it fascinating to stay close to the shore and see what's blooming.  This pink flowering bush caught my eye. My friend Lisa Amato Staten helped me identify it and it's called Mountain Laurel.
Apparently this pond monster has been out there for years, but it was especially noticable this trip. It was munching on some millfoil and other delicious pond treats.
Before packing up I had time to go back and finish up another coat of glaze. 
I love this place.


  1. Ahhhhh, soooo relaxing! Thanks, Lisa, for the little vacation!!

  2. Oh, PS I can't wait to see the finished product!!!! No blue??!

  3. Yes, so peaceful.... :) Yes, Cait - no blue this time around. It hurt a little. There's always next time. :)


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